Thank you for your interest in attending the 2025 Metropolis of San Francisco Young Adult Winter Retreat in Lake Tahoe!

This retreat is open to all Orthodox College Students and Young Professionals ages 18-35.

$340 by December 31, 2024

$360 after December 31, 2025


January 17 - 20, 2025 (MLK Weekend)


South Lake Tahoe 

Galilee Camp and Conference Center

1776 Hwy 50, Glenbrook, NV 89413 


(until Dec 31, 2024)

$340 includes 3 nights lodging (Fri, Sat, and Sun) and all meals except lunch Saturday since we will be out exploring Lake Tahoe that afternoon.


(January 1, 2025 or later)

$360 includes 3 nights lodging (Fri, Sat, and Sun) and all meals except lunch Saturday since we will be out exploring Lake Tahoe that afternoon.


You can secure your spot with a $100 deposit and make payments until January 8, 2025 for the remaining balance.



The Retreat begins at 5:30pm on Friday with Dinner in the retreat center dining hall. Please plan to arrive around 5:30pm-6:30pm to get settled in. We do however realize that people will be arriving at all hours on Friday night.


Monday morning we will have Orthros, breakfast, pack up, and head home around 9:00am.                                             


“Be Still and Know: Listening for God’s still small voice”


Fr. James Kumarelas from St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in San Jose, CA

Speaker Bio: Fr. James Kumarelas

Father James was born and raised in Oakland, California. He was brought up in the Greek Orthodox Church of the Ascension in Oakland, where he served in various leadership roles across many of the parish ministries.

After working for many years in the film, television, and entertainment lighting industry, Father James finally listened to the call to serve the Church. In 2014 he left his career and entered Hellenic College as a Seminarian. Over the next six years he would finish his Bachelor’s and then Master’s degrees, graduating from Holy Cross School of Theology with an MDiv. in 2020. While attending Seminary, Father James met his future wife and Presvytera Vasso, and they were married in 2018.

In October of 2020, Father James was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at Oakland’s Ascension Cathedral by His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, and assigned to serve as assistant priest at St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Seattle Washington. Father and Presvytera served the people there for three wonderful years.

Beginning on January 1, 2024, Father James was assigned Proistamenos of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in San Jose, California, where he and Presvytera Vasso continue to serve with joy.


Fr. Gabriel Cupsa from St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church in Stockton, CA


You do not have to ski or snowboard to have a blast on this trip!

There will be a large group going to South Lake Tahoe on Saturday where there are tons of great restaurants, pubs, shops, ice skating, art galleries, wine tasting, and opportunities for adventure. On Sunday, there will be a large group going hiking in Emerald Bay or sledding nearby.


There will be opportunities to go skiing or snowboarding on Saturday and/or Sunday. You will need to purchase your lift tickets on your own. There are three resorts near the retreat center:

-Heavenly Ski Resort – (15 minute drive south from the retreat center)

-Diamond Peak – (25 minute drive north from the retreat center)

-Northstar - (45 minute drive north from the retreat center)

HIKE IN EMERALD BAY - Depending on the weather

On Saturday, for those who are interested, we will take a group hiking in Emerald Bay. Bring a pair of running or hiking shoes, a backpack, and water bottle. It's a very easy hike down on switchbacks, and slightly more strenuous going back up, but well worth it! On our way to Emerald Bay, we will stop at Safeway and everyone will have the opportunity to pick up lunch & snacks to bring with us. Once we reach the beach in Emerald Bay, there's tons of great places to eat lunch, play football, and explore!




If you are flying, we recommend that you fly into Sacramento Airport on Friday between 9:00am – 3:00pm.

One of the carpools from the Bay Area will be able to pick you up on their way through Sacramento to Lake Tahoe.

For your returning flight on Monday, we plan to leave the retreat center by 11:00am and drive through Sacramento by 2:00pm so a flight out of Sacramento would be best after 3:30pm.



If you are flying and will be arriving or after 3:00pm on Friday, we recommend flying into Reno airport.

Reno is one hour north of Lake Tahoe and we don’t anticipate any carpools driving through the Reno area. You will need to take the “SOUTH TAHOE EXPRESS” shuttle bus from Reno to the MontBleu Hotel in South Lake Tahoe.

Our retreat center is about 20 minutes north of the MontBleu hotel, so you would need to call us once you are close to the hotel so that someone can come pick you up.

If you need to fly out of Reno on Monday afternoon we can drop you off at the MontBleu hotel and you would arrange to take the South Tahoe Express shuttle back up to the Reno Airport.



-sleeping bag and/or warm blankets and sheets for a twin size bed



-bath towel 

-sled or blow up inner tube

-snow gear for skiing or snowboarding (skiing/snowboarding is optional)

-running shoes or hiking boots for our hike on Sunday

-gloves, scarf, hat

-bring lots of layers (thermos/leggings/long sleeve shirts)

-comfy warm clothes for lounging around at the retreat center


-phone charger

-chapstick and sunscreen

-water bottle

-backpack for our hike on Sunday to put your water bottle and lunch in

-playing cards & board games

-snacks to share

Check out the video from the 2016 Metropolis Young Adult Winter Retreat!