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Thank you for your interest in attending the 2019 Metropolis of San Francisco Young Adult Summer Retreat, at Thousand Pines Christian Camp & Conference Center in Crestline, CA.

This retreat is open to all Orthodox College Students and Young Professionals ages 18-30's


May 31 - June 2, 2019



Thousand Pines Christian Camp & Conference Center

359 Thousand Pines Rd, Crestline, CA 92325


$170 for a Dorm Room               (cabins with multiple bunk beds)

Includes 2 nights lodging and all meals: Friday dinner – Sunday breakfast


Dorm Rooms:  Large rooms with multiple bunk beds. All of the dorms have attached bathrooms and electricity.

You will need to bring your own towel, pillow and sleeping bag or sheets and a blanket.



You can secure your spot with a $70 deposit and make payments until May 30, 2019 for the remaining balance.

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SPEAKER: Fr. Seraphim Ramos from St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church in Las Vegas, NV.

SPEAKER BIO: Father Seraphim, Presvytera Olenka and their daughter Ivanna Zenovia Ramos joined the St. John the Baptist community in Las Vegas on June 1, 2017.  Father Seraphim came straight from Boston where he spent seven years studying for his Bachelors and Master’s degrees at Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA.  He met Presvytera Olenka (Zharsky), the daughter of a Ukrainian Orthodox Priest while studying at HCHC and they were married in the summer of 2014 in San Francisco.  He was ordained to the Holy Diaconate the day after graduation on May 21, 2017 at the Holy Cross Chapel by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, and then to the Holy Priesthood a few weeks later in Las Vegas on June 18.

As a native of the Pacific Northwest, Father Seraphim embraced the Holy Orthodox Faith in 2008 at Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church (OCA) in Tacoma, WA.  He converted from Protestantism together with his parents, three brothers, and two sisters.  His father, Fr. Joseph Ramos is now also an Orthodox Christian Priest in the Orthodox Church of America.  Father Seraphim and Presvytera Olenka welcomed their second child, Nikolai Joseph into the world in January, 2018 and enjoy hiking, board games, reading, and spending time with friends and family.  Father Seraphim is grateful to be serving the Las Vegas Greek Orthodox community in his first assignment as a second priest: working with the youth and catechumens, planning monthly events for various ministries for young and old, and assisting Fr. John Hondros in the Sacramental and Liturgical life of the vibrant and growing parish.

THEME: “Athletes for Christ”


Arrivals begin at 5:00pm on Friday, Dinner is served at 6:30pm, and we will begin the retreat introduction around 8:30pm.

It is normal to have participants arrive at all times Friday night since many will be coming after work.



We will attend Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning followed by breakfast, and the retreat will end around 10:00am. We may add a group hike and lunch in the area after for anyone interested.




We will have the opportunity to enjoy the many wonderful activities the retreat center has to offer on Saturday afternoon.

These activities have a small fee, and are in addition to the registration cost, and you can bring cash to pay the retreat center directly.

ROCK WALL: $5 per person

ZIP LINE: $5 per person

PAINTBALL: $10 per person

ARCHERY: $1 per person

BB GUNS: $1 per person

COFFEE SHOP: Depends on what you purchase

MALT SHOP: Depends on what you purchase

We are also many free activities that are available to us during this time. There are beautiful hiking trails, swimming, sports fields, hammocks, swings, game rooms, and open fields for enjoying.



If you are flying, we recommend that you fly into the Ontario Airport. This airport is small and has limited flights (and sometimes expensive) but it is the closest to the Retreat Center. Ontario (ONT) airport is about 45 minutes away from the airport.

We will arrange one time on Friday evening to pick up participants (around 5:00pm) at the Ontario airport and bring them to the retreat center. More info coming soon!


You can also fly into any of the Southern California airports, but you will need to get a ride from a friend, or rent a car and drive to the retreat center.



-sleeping bag and/or warm blankets for a twin size bed



-bath towel

-casual/comfy attire is recommended for throughout the weekend

-Athletic shoes for hiking, rock climbing, and other athletic activities on Saturday afternoon.

-It does get colder in the evenings, so a sweatshirt or warm jacket is recommended


-musical instrument for campfire

-phone charger

-chapstick and sunscreen

-water bottle

-playing cards & board games

 -notebook to take notes